Thursday, December 2, 2010

One of a Kind!

So over the weekend I was able to attend the One of a Kind Show here in Toronto with my wife and her parents. First, let me say that if you do go try and go during the week as Saturday was ridiculously busy. The show was a lot of fun and was able to pick up some items for Christmas. One of the other reasons for going this year was to check out to see if it was a worth while show to enter and showcase my work. Well I do think that it is a great show and one that I would like to go in I don’t think it is something that I can financially swing this within the near future as entry fees range from $2,000 to $6,000 for the Christmas Show. So until I get myself more established and my inventory build up more I think I will be sticking to smaller shows. I think that I will try and set a goal that within the next five years I would like to have my work shown at this event. My goal next year is to go into a number of other smaller, less expensive shows but shows that still drawn a number of people and hopefully generates sales such as the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition that takes place at Nation Philips Square. If this and other shows are a success I will re-evaluate going into the One of a Kind Show. I will keep everyone posted on what shows I am applying for, when they are and if I am successfully accepted.

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